Created from Our Past • Inspiring the Future
My passion is creating work that reconnects us with our past while evoking the sensory connections we have with those memories. Feeding our curiosity through creative outlets and acquiring knowledge along the way. Telling our story through shared experiences, I hope to build connections between past and present while reflecting on life. As we become more enlightened together, we grow and continue on, adding our stories to the whole of humanity.
Nostalgia + Humanity + Curiosity = Connection
V I S I O N : Communicate the story of humanity while visually exploring our history. Creating work that builds new visual connections from past to present while capturing the story as life unfolds. Reflecting on what we have accomplished as humans in relationship to what we are capable of doing to create a greater understanding of the time and place we live in.
Greg Hurt | Artist
Greg explores the vibrant history of American culture through his retro pop art style. Taking cues from the mid-century modern aesthetic, combined with classic cultural references, he juxtaposes images of momentous events and historical icons with fragmented data and repurposed objects.